CIBA Member Meeting – November, 2023

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When: Monday, November 27th socialize @ 6 p.m.; meeting agenda to begin promptly at 6:30 p.m.; socializing to resume following the meeting.

Where: Birdsong Brewing, 225 S Broad St, Mooresville, NC 28115

Who: current brewery members and associate members.


  • I. Welcome
  • II. We are approaching the month of November and accepting nominations for the two open board seats that will become available. The two open board seats are for the following:
    • 1 board seat with production over 6k in production
    • 1 board seat with production under 6k in productionAt November’s meeting, nominees will present to the membership: why they are a good candidate, want to be involved with the organization as a board member, etc.
    • meeting for nomination presentations is being held at Birdsong Brewing, on Monday, November 27th
    • Electronic voting will go live on Wednesday, November 29th
    • In-person voting will take place at our December meeting. The meeting is being held on Monday, December 11th at Sugar Creek Brewing
  • III. Socialize
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